Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today was my weekly lunch with some of the other US wives that are here. We meet every Thursday. We really can't go out of town for lunch, because one lady has kids in 3 schools here, so we always just eat in our town. Today we went to the Bagel Shop. This town has very little parking, and even at those places you usually have to walk a couple blocks or more to get to the restaurant, so I usually just walk from my house. Yesterday we started having terrible weather. It has rained practically non-stop and the wind has blown just about as hard as it can. I heard the rain beating on my sky-light all night long and I don't think the wind ever stopped blowing. Since I knew it would be useless to carry an umbrella, I just put on my trusty raincoat (wishing that I had ordered the longer one from Travel Smith). I have this really cool rain scarf. Well at least it looks like it would be really cool, and it would be but not if the wind is blowing. If the wind blows, it catches the front and blows it back off of your head. So that was out. I have another rain scarf that snaps under my chin. You know those ones that fold into a tiny packet and fit in your purse. Like your grandma used to carry? But it looks plastered to my head and my husband hates it. I vascillated between that one and just the hood of my raincoat and finally went with the latter. I had to take my glasses off because it does no good to wear them in the rain. (Where's Hermione when you need her?) So off I went to walk the 4 blocks to the Bagel Shop. I was not prepared for the gale force winds! Holy Cow! At times I even had to hold onto the front of my hood, but I could see other people doing the same. Some silly people had brought umbrellas. I just stepped around them as they stopped to try to turn their umbrellas back right-side out. I could hear people complaining about the weather, but secretly I thought it was great fun! I must either have a sick sense of humor or be incredibly bored (Or both). :0) In fact, I thought it was such fun that after my 2 hour lunch, I decided to walk another block to the mall! Neither the rain nor the winds ever let up. My husband told me that he heard that Ireland has had a record for rainfall this year.


Delirious said...

I have one of those grandma rain hats too. :) I don't wear it much, but I really hate spending time doing my hair to have it all wiped out in 10 seconds by a rain storm. I just bought a new raincoat at Costco. I had bought one there years ago, but the plastic around the pocket tore. I said, to my neighbor, "I know the pocket is torn, but this coat is still really good." She said, "No it's not, you need to throw it out." :) But I do love this new one, it's red, my favorite color!

Dee Ice Hole said...

When we lived in western Montana we never let the rain interfere with our plans to do something because if we did we would have never done anything.

With that said---Ain't it nice to have good rain gear!!! ;=)

Bullet for Babs said...

That sounds like fun to me too.