Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Clothes Horse?

Well I now have 3 dresses being shipped to my house for me to try on to see if they will work for the wedding. Thanks to everyone who sent ideas and links for me to look at. Have you ever watched one of those Sci-Fi movies where it shows the future and everyone is dressed the same? Now whoever wrote that and thought it would be realistic? Because I can tell you right now it's never going to happen - we're all too vain. Even in situations where a people are supposed to dress in the same things, ie: scrubs, uniforms, jumpsuits, etc. - you still see people trying to do different things so they can look better. I had a nurse in the rehab hospital where I spent almost 2 weeks when I had my knees replaced, who wore scrubs everyday, but she would color-coordinate her scrubs with the wig and the clogs she wore. Usually her clogs and wig matched - hot pink, lime green, etc. My mother uses an expression to describe someone who loves clothes. She calls them a "Clothes Horse". I wonder where that expression comes from and how it was coined. I mean, a "Clothes Horse"? Like a horse who wears clothes? Or a horse - like gymnastic equiptment - that someone uses to throw their clothes on because they're too lazy to hang them up? A horse made out of clothes? Clothes made out of horses? What? All I know is we love clothes. One of my daughters used to keep a calendar in her closet when she was in high school so she could write down the clothes she wore to school everyday. She also had a list in her closet of what outfits to wear - what goes with what - so she could work out every possible combination. That way she could go almost a month without wearing the exact same outfit twice. Last Sunday I was trying to remember what I had worn to church the previous Sunday but couldn't remember. I have to wear a dress everyday to teach a class, so it's hard to think a whole week back. I told my husband I needed a calendar in my closet so I could at least write down what I wore to church each week. There used to be a woman at church and it seemed like everytime I saw her she was wearing the same dress. I knew that it wasn't the only dress she had, but figured she couldn't remember what she had worn the week before either. I hope people don't look at me and think, "Yikes, is that all she has to wear - just those 2 dresses she wears every other Sunday?"


Keira said...

it wasn't me

Delirious said...

I knew a lady who only had one dress. It was a "christmas red" dress and she wore a little gold pin with it. She had money, so I know she could afford to buy more. I think maybe she just couldn't find another dress she liked to buy. I dont' think I wear the same dress twice in a row because I get sick of my clothes really fast and don't want to wear them again very soon after wearing them.

Lindsay Logic said...

I say if you're going to church... then nobody should even notice or care if you wear the same thing every week...because it only matters that you are there...