Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ok, remember how I've been posting about my husband's "charmed life"?  Well, we just got all our boxes of stuff from Ireland on Tuesday  and have been trying to open a few everyday.  My first priority has been to get the clothes out and hang them up.  I had opened a few boxes, but you know, I can only make so many trips up the stairs every day, so I hadn't gotten to all of them.  Wednesday morning, my husband came downstairs and said, "I need some white work socks!"  I said to him, "Well, you're the one with the charmed life, go open one of those boxes, and I'm SURE you'll just pick the one with your socks in it."  He opened one box and sure enough, there were his socks. 

Need I say more?


Delirious said...

Maybe this is what is meant by the "gift of discernment"? ;)

Stacy said...

lol I love all these stories. You are making me a believer that he really does have a charmed life!

心良 said...
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Inklings said...

That's funny! Do you get to be in the aura of his charmed life and reap some of the benefits, too?

Amber said...

ROFL that's too much!