Amber and I have been going to garage sales and Goodwill the past few weeks. We've found some good stuff. :0) I buy mostly used books, but I also like to look for clothes for costumes or just stuff that catches my eye. One of the books I bought was called THE LITTLE BIG BOOK OF LIFE. It has some absolutely beautiful pictures in it that look like paintings or drawings and has stories, quotes, poems, words to songs, college graduation talks, and comedy routines about life in it. As a tribute to our garage sale expeditions, I'm posting part of this routine by George Carlin about "Stuff":
...So stuff is important. You gotta take care of your stuff. You gotta have a place for your stuff. Everybody's gotta have a place for their stuff. That's what life is all about, tryin' to find a place for your stuff! That's all your house is: a place to keep your stuff. If you didn't have so much stuff, you wouldn't need a house. You could just walk around all the time.
...So when you get right down to it, your house is nothing more than a place to keep your stuff...while you go out and get...more stuff. 'Cause that's what this country is all about. Tryin' to get more stuff. Stuff you don't want, stuff you don't need, stuff that's poorly made, stuff that's overpriced. Even stuff you can't afford! Gotta keep on gettin' more stuff. Otherwise someone else might wind up with more stuff. Can't let that happen. Gotta have the most stuff.
So you keep gettin' more and more stuff, and puttin' it in different places. In the closets, in the attic, in the basement, in the garage...So now you got a houseful of stuff. And, even though you might like your house, you gotta move. Gotta get a bigger house. Why? Too much stuff....
lol I love that George Carlin routine. I"m also jealous of the garage sales. I haven't had time to go to any this year and I'm really getting the itch. Our thrift stores aren't very good, so I don't go there. Also, ours are over priced. This time of the year we have tons of neighborhood garage sales where you can go from house to house. I think our neighborhood is having one next weekend. I can't wait!
LOL!! :)
That's a great comedy bit.
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