I used to hardly ever watch tv, but the past few years I have watched several programs. Here are the only tv shows I've been watching:
Battle Star Galactica - this finished a few months ago and is not on anymore.
Lost - This only has this year and next year and then it will be over.
Eli Stone - this also finished a few weeks ago (here in Ireland) and is not on anymore.
I think I need some new tv shows. What is your favorite tv show that you are watching now?
When I lived in China, my favorite tv show was a British one called, "The Crystal Maze". I wish it was still on!
My next favorite is "The mole". I heard they are coming out with a new season this summer, and I can hardly wait! It's a reality show, but much different that most. It is much less crude, without the relationship drama of other reality tv. I have never yet been able to figure out who the mole is.
My next favorite is "Medium". I can't wait to see each new episode on Monday nights.
Another big favorite of mine, that I don't think is on the air anymore, is Alias. My neighbor let me borrow the first three seasons on DVD and I LOVED it! Those I could watch over and over.
Used to like "Heroes" but it got weird
I like The Mentalist
Babs and I like to watch LOST, the Office, and 30 Rock. I didnt know that Eli Stone went off the air...thats too bad
You should go to Hulu.com. It lets you stream any (or almost any) TV show to your computer for free. You can browse TV shows that you might want to watch and then watch them. And I agree with PsychDoctor, "Heroes" got really stupid so don't watch it. The first season was really good, the second season was just okay and the third season was terrible. Everyone keeps telling me "Fringe" is good but I haven't seen it yet. Supposedly its like CSI meets the X-Files. Same thing with a show called "Pushing Daisies"-everyone tells me its good but I haven't seen it. Apparently its a comedy about a guy who anyone he touches that is dead will come alive while if he touches anyones whos alive then they will die. Anyway, hope that helps.
One of my most favorite shows is Ghost Whisperer, it's really not scary and it always ends with the ghost "going into the light" so it's actually pretty uplifting. It always involves a mystery to be solved and Jennifer Love Hewitt is always dressed so cute!
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