Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I got an IPod for Christmas.  I have been trying to learn how to load songs on it and have a gift card from ITunes.  I've got a whopping 3 songs from ITunes and some other ones that were already on my computer. 

Today I was listening to a cd on my stereo that I got for Christmas (6 Cello Suites by YoYo Ma).  I was thinking about the future.  I remembered a Star Trek tv show one time where Captain Kirk was in his quarters reading a book and someone came to visit him.  The visitor remarked about how the Captain was reading an "actual" book and he said something to the effect that there was just something about holding it in your hands.  Can't remember his actual words.  Anyway, I was thinking that in the future our houses will be so much more spacious, because people won't have cds or books or dvds.  Everything will be downloaded from some website.  You can already download cds and audio books from ITunes.  I'm not sure about movies, but I know it is possible to put them on your IPod.  I have a digital copy of the new Star Trek that I could put in my computer and transfer to my IPod if I wanted to.  I think all the movie rental places will go out of business and will become strictly online movie downloading.  You'll be able to buy a movie like a song on ITunes and just download it to your tv. 

A few years ago I quit buying video tapes and even got rid of all of my audio tapes.  I still have a small collection of video tapes, but I know it is just a matter of time until I get rid of those also.  But books is another thing.  My husband told me I should get one of those electronic readers for Christmas this year.  I read an article that said you really shouldn't buy one of those right now because they were impoving on them so fast that if you waited a couple of years they would have them more perfected.  I guess that is the direction the world is headed to.  I know my house would be a lot less cluttered if I didn't have books - I have 4 1/2 bookcases full of books!  And I'm talking very tall bookcases.  I think I'm kind of like Captain Kirk - there's just something about holding a book in your hands and turning the pages.


Amber said...

I really agree with you, I think it would lose something to only read books on an electronic reader

Delirious said...

Amen! There is also a charm in sending out actual letters instead of email. But with the expense of postage, I have even succumbed to that.

I need an IPOD. There are several things I would like to put on it. For one, I would like the Harry Potter books on CD on there. :) Another thing I would put on are some Chinese podcasts. They are chinese lessons that you can adapt to your skill level. My husband has some that I have listened to, and they are really good! Maybe next year for Christmas I will get an Ipod. :)

Bullet for Babs said...

Yeah, I really do think that that is where the world is headed. It's kind of sad, in a way. Those electronic readers are pretty cool though. You can download tons of books for free to it and you can make notes on them or highlight words and look them up in the dictionary or underline things. It's amazing technology although it is a lot less personal, less soulful.

言風 said...
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Inklings said...

I'm like you, I like having books I can hold, and it's nice to have back up in case technology fails at some point or another. I have 2 girls who love their Kindles, but now I guess there is something even more advanced out there.

So have you heard yet? Stay or Go?

Dee Ice Hole said...


I like my books.

My word verification holess---yup there'd be holes without my books.

Nene said...

Inklings - still haven't heard.....

~Kris said...

Well...I love going to Borders and buying pretty books, to put in my bookcase. But...I also love downloading the crap books that I don't really want to read again.
I love my kindle...I know there will be better ones coming out there, but it's pretty fabulous. Plus a lot of authors put them on for get on the best seller list. Because even if it's free, it's still a "purchase"