Amber asked us all to tell a story about Dad last night while we were playing Spinner. We heard lots of stories, but I thought of this one this morning:
When my husband was going to school for his Bachelor's Degree, it was before home computers. That didn't mean the school didn't require you to need a computer to do your homework, so in order to do so he had to go to the university's computer lab. It was a first come, first serve basis and sometimes when you got there, you might have to wait several hours before a computer would be free.
My husband went to school at night and had classes that ran up to 10pm at night. Since I had at least 3 kids at that time and maybe more (can't remember exactly when this happened), I was always tired when 10pm came and often times would go to bed, planning on "just laying there awake until he got home" but then would fall asleep within just a few minutes. I must have done this that night, but I woke up about 2am and realized that he hadn't come home yet. I started to worry and as time went by worried even more. I have a very active imagination and it didn't fail me that night as I thought of all the horrible things that might have happened to him. I worried, prayed and fretted and finally decided that maybe I should call the police to see if he was dead, broke down somewhere, or maybe in jail. :0) Just as my hand reached the phone, I heard the front door open. By the time he walked in the bedroom, I was already in tears from relief that he was okay. Puzzled, he not only asked me why I was in tears, but why I was awake. When I told him, he said, "Didn't you remember me telling you I had to stay late after class for a computer lab?" Oh right, now I remembered, although I didn't think it would take that long. Come to find out he had to wait 2 hours before he could even get a computer. Think about that as you click off of this blog and on to your next website. :0)