Saturday, January 14, 2012


Our work at the Bishop's Storehouse has slowed down quite a bit since Christmas.  This is a good thing for one reason because that means that maybe people are working and not needing help.  But it's also a bad thing, because now we are just sitting around getting fatter.  I've been trying to figure out some things we can do to pass the time, and Thursday I came up with the idea that I could walk laps in the warehouse, so I did 6 laps before I had to come back in and help with some orders.  Today I mentioned it to another lady who is a misisonary there and she told me about a pedometer app that I could download on my cell phone.  I downloaded it and we did almost a mile today.  We zig-zag up and down all the aisles to make it longer.  Thursday I was just going around and around and it was making me dizzy.  :0+  My pedometer app counts my steps as well as tells me how far I 've walked and tells me how many calories I've burned, which today was sure not nearly enough.  It beats sitting......


Delirious said...

I've been trying to get started walking my dog again, but I'm not sure I have my energy back yet to do it every day.

~Kris said...

I want that app! What is the name of it

Nene said...

The app is called "Cardio Trainer".