Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I came down with a cold or flu a couple of days ago.  I've had a different symptom every day, so I've decided to call this "The Surprise Flu" - every day you get a new "surprise" symptom.  The first day - or rather night - it came on really fast and was like the croup you see little kids get.  Within an hour I couldn't even talk and had to whisper.  My throat was so closed up I could hardly swallow.  The next day - or once again, night - I had a fever and could not get warm.  I finally went to bed at 5pm and stayed there for the rest of the night!  Tonight my "surprise" symptom was a runny nose and sneezing.  Gee, I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow's "surprise" will be!  (not.)


Delirious said...

Ugh! I hope you don't get sicker! Nasty, nasty flu. I got my flu shot, but I've had swollen glands ever since, even in my arm pits, so I'm crossing my fingers that I don't get it! One thing I've learned is that you have to give yourself permission to be sick and to recuperate. Don't feel guilty if you have to spend all week in bed! Just do what you need to do to get better!

Stick said...

Get the flu shot, get the flu. That is what I have always said, and it seems to be true. My friends that have had the shot always seem to get the flu. I have NEVER had the shot, and have never had the flu. I do occasionally get a cold, but not the flu. AND, I have always found that if you tell yourself you DON"T have time to be sick, so you aren't going to get sick, you won't succomb to illnesses as easily. (At least that is what I tell myself)

Mr. Giggles said...

A) I had the shot, and have avoided the illness do far--knock on wood.

B) My dr. always tells me your body can only do one thing at a time. If you aren't resting, it can't heal itself. So take it easy.

C) A little Goldenseal goes a long way. It's not just for mouth sores.

D) If you gargle with warm salt water every day, you have less of a chance of getting sick in the first place--and no, I don't do this.

Amber said...

hopefully tomorrow's surprise will be that you're all better!!!

Inklings said...

I hope you do get better soon! And I am a great believer in flu shots. I used to get the flu every winter, have it for weeks, and have the cough until summer. I have been doing flu shots for 13 years now, haven't had the flu since and don't get sick as easy. Knock on wood!

Dee Ice Hole said...

I am really glad that I have had the flu shot and the pneumonia shot. I used to get botjh really easily---have had one case of pneumonia in the last 10 years but that's it.