Friday, October 29, 2010


You'll remember me when the west wind blows
Upon the fields of cotton....

Yeah, I know that's not how the song goes, but since I grew up in my teenage years in Cotton Country, that's how I always sing that song. :0) I remember when we moved there when I was in middle school.  My dad had been living there for several months while we were waiting for the house to sell.  On one of his trips home he brought us a "cotton boll".  I thought it was the neatest thing I had ever seen.  I took it to school and all the kids "oohed and ahhed" over it.  It was hard for us to believe that that little sprig actually represented something that our clothes were made out of.  Here's some "cotton fields" pictures from my trip there last week.  Click on the pictures so you can see them bigger.  Note that the second picture is "baled cotton", and the last picture is a field that has already been stripped.  Also note the oil well in the field - dual purpose field! :0)


Dee Ice Hole said...

I remember my first trip down there after Inklings and I got married---every field along the road hd some sort of cotton harvest going on---I had never seen that process.

Inklings said...

And all the boys would try to get you to go "watch the cotton grow" :0)

Nene said...

Inklings, I never had anyone use that line on me...but I did go snipe hunting a few times. :0)

Amber said...

i always loved seeing this stuff on the way to grandma's at thanksgiving